What's for rent?

Craigslist Rental Listings Web Scrape

Least Expensive

Most Listings by Zip Code

Average Listing Price All Zip Codes

Project Summary: What's for rent in San Diego and beyond?

Whether financial, political, or social -- data's true power lies in its ability to answer questions definitively. Python requests, APIs, and JSON traversals were used to answer the question: "What's for rent in San Diego and surrounding areas? "

Python scripts, matplotlib, pandas and mongoDB were used in this project to visualize the the rental listings on https://sandiego.craigslist.org/ housing listings.

A series of plots were created to summarize the listings:

  • Most expensive zip codes
  • Least expensive zip codes
  • Most expensive listing by zip code and category
  • Least expensive listings by zip code and category
  • Average price per square foot by zip code
  • Price distribution across all zip codes
  • Price distribution of Escondido 92033
  • Most listings by category

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  • Rancho Santa Fe has the most expensive listing at $30,000 and most expensive average listing price
  • Escondido has the most expensive and least expensive listings (different area codes 92029 expensive, 92030 not expensive)
  • Escondido (92033) has the most rental listings posted based on the listings we scraped since the project inception (2/20/2021)

Rancho Santa Fe 92091

Rancho Santa Fe was by far the most expensive listing and average listing we scraped.

  • Avg Listing Price: $21,200
  • Number of listings 3

Explore Visualizations

Python scripts and matplotlib were used in this project to visualize rental listings prices, categories and square footage of listings in San Diego and surrounding areas.

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